She shined on the hit ad agency show but wishes it had happened a decade earlier. Christina Hendricks on Mad Men, Hollywood’s strong woman, opens up about the storm of fame and the world after it subsides.

Big Twist in New Series from Christina Hendricks on Mad Men Fame
It would be a major spoiler to reveal the secrets of the new comedy-drama Small Town, Big Story, but believe me, it’s weird, gorgeous, and shocking. In the six-episode series, Christina Hendricks of Mad Men fame plays Wendy Patterson, a Los Angeles TV producer who returns to her small Irish hometown to shoot a major Hollywood project. She’s returned to the place with a glow of success that changes her life—because in the past she was not only rejected but also driven out of the town.

Christina Hendricks on Mad Men fame gives Wendy a strong personality!
Hendricks plays Wendy in a fierce and tough way. She says, “She has a strong defense mechanism.”
“Something extraordinary happened to her, but no one believed her.” She hid herself behind a wall, not letting people get close—because if anyone got close, she would have to tell a big secret that no one would ever believe again.
Christina Hendricks on Mad Men fame rocks new show!
Written and directed by Chris O’Dowd, Small Town, Big Story is a fun and quirky show filled with misfits, beautiful Irish locations, and great characters. Paddy Considine plays local GP Seamus—Wendy’s old boyfriend—who is the only person willing to uncover the truth. **”He’s one of those interesting actors who’s usually seen in serious dramas, so it’s fun to see him in this lighthearted role,” says *Christina Hendricks on Mad Men* fame.**
She met Considine years ago when he was set to direct a film. Hendricks jokes, “He didn’t make it, and I even told him I was glad he didn’t cast me!” she says with a laugh.
Christina Hendricks on Mad Men fame’s nomadic journey!
We’re speaking over Zoom, and Christina Hendricks, of Mad Men fame, is sitting on the edge of the woods from her upstate New York home. (You can follow its renovation journey on her Instagram—which is filled with whimsical wallpaper, antique décor, and classic paintings.).
“I’ve been moving around so much lately that I have to ask myself—where do I live, anyway?” She laughs. She spent five months filming the show in Ireland, then five in Scotland filming Apple TV+’s period romantic comedy *The Buccaneers. She’s joined along for the ride by her husband, cinematographer George Bianchini, and their adorable dog.
“It makes a huge difference. My little family makes it a beautiful adventure. If I was alone, it would be a little heartbreaking,” she says, smiling. Soon, she will be returning to her second home in Los Angeles.
Christina Hendricks on Mad Men: From childhood to stardom
Born in Knoxville, Tennessee, the Christina Hendricks of Mad Men fame moved around since childhood, as her father was in the US Forest Service. **”It taught me respect for different places. Wherever I went, I tried to adapt and contribute to the environment, not feel uncomfortable,” she says. **Acclimating to new environments is important for actors, and that was true for Hendricks too. At 18, she began a career as a model in New York and then spent some time in London. She spent her 20s honing her acting skills and then got her big break in 2007—playing confident, smart office manager Joan Holloway in the hit period drama *Mad Men.*
The role became the turning point in her career and took her to the heights of stardom!
Christina Hendricks on Mad Men: The truth behind Wendy’s character
Is Wendy’s character inspired by a real Hollywood executive? “No, but I’ve definitely seen her resilience and perseverance,” says the star. Hollywood is still a boys club, though things are changing. Wendy’s character shows that she can hold her own and be just like the men—that’s real power.
Despite the show’s lighthearted tone, it touches on a deeper issue—how damaging it is when someone doesn’t believe you. “Gaslighting can make a person doubt themselves; it’s a very humiliating experience,” says Hendricks. Wendy struggles to find her power and respect, but it’s such an exhausting way to live—that’s the real depth of this show!
Christina Hendricks on Mad Men: The real story of redhead turned goth Wendy
In flashbacks, Wendy is shown as a goth teen—inspired by Christina Hendricks’ own teenage years on Mad Men! She dyed her hair black during school, although her natural color isn’t red.
Hendricks laughs, “I tried to dye my hair back blonde a few times, but after a few months it just felt like it wasn’t me!” The redhead look has become her identity, not just a hair color.
Christina Hendricks on Mad Men: From ballerina to modelling to acting
49-year-old Christina Hendricks on Mad Men once dreamed of becoming a ballerina. But she soon realized it was too tough on her body and mind. That’s when she found an interest in community theater—where she discovered her passion for singing and dancing was just as strong.
However, she went into modeling before acting, which disappointed her father. “I had to prove to myself that I was right, and that required me to go professional, really hard,” Hendricks says. While traveling alone at a young age, her “spidey senses” were always active, but with the right guidance, she stayed safe.
After modeling, she moved into the world of TV, working for two years on the comedy series Beggars and Choosers in the late ’90s. Soon, her big break came in 2007 when she appeared as Joan Harris in Mad Men, which gave her a powerful identity in Hollywood.
Christina Hendricks on Mad Men: Joan changed the meaning of confidence not just on screen but in real life too
Christina Hendricks never had to audition a lot, which allowed her to avoid the difficulties that many other actresses go through. But she was always mindful of the industry’s power games, comments, and gender gap. “It’s part of everyday life as a woman,” she says.
When she landed the role of Joan in Mad Men, she was in her early 30s. Did she wish she had this fame 10 years earlier? “Absolutely! I would have had more opportunities,” she says with a laugh.
Is there any part of Joan still left in her? “Yes, confidence! This role gave strength not only to me but to women all over the world,” Hendricks explains. This character of Mad Men was not only powerful on screen but also inspired many women in real life.

Christina Hendricks on Mad Men: The ups and downs of stardom and the unseen truth of the limelight
Being famous is not as exciting as it sounds. “Nobody gives you a manual for stardom,” says Christina Hendricks. “You don’t teach how to act in front of the camera or how to live outside the limelight. You just have to learn it yourself.”
During Mad Men, her life was a nonstop ride—photoshoots, awards shows, and premieres every week. But when the show ended, the glamour faded.
“One moment you’re everywhere, and the next moment it’s quiet. Sometimes it’s relaxing; sometimes you miss the hustle and bustle.” According to Hendricks, stardom is like a river—a new challenge at every turn, and you just have to go with it.
Christina Hendricks on Mad Men: Finding new roles and a new career twist
When people meet Christina Hendricks now, they often mention Good Girls—the show in which she played a mother who turns to crime—rather than Mad Men.
Is there a shortage of interesting roles for actresses in their 40s? “There are so many great roles now, and they’re growing,” Hendrick admits. Mad Men gave her a chance to break out of the “sweet” and “tender” roles she’d been cast in before.
“People thought I didn’t have the strength, but this show changed that,” she says. Good Girls, on the other hand, opened a new door for her in comedy. It’s this shift that led her to roles like Wendy in Small Town, Big Story—a role she longed to play. “It was my choice—weird, but right!”