Jay and Pamela: Fighting Brittle Bone Disease, Never Giving ‘Up—’Use It or Lose It!’

Jay and Pamela battle brittle bone disease, staying active despite challenges

Jay and Pamela: Love, Courage and the Battle Against Brittle Bone Disease

Jay Manuel, 28, and Pamela Chavez, 30, were born with **osteogenesis imperfecta type 3, or brittle bone disease. According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, this rare genetic disorder weakens the bones, leading to frequent fractures, bone deformities, and curvature of the spine.

To date, they have suffered more than 400 fractures, but that hasn’t deterred them. They travel the world in a motorized wheelchair and believe in living life to the fullest.

They met online, fell in love, and got engaged. They currently live with Jay’s parents, but they dream of living their lives independently. Despite their disorder, they are moving towards the future with hope and confidence.

‘Jay & Pamela’ Premiere: Open Talk About Health

In their new reality series “Jay & Pamela,” the couple meets with a specialist to discuss their health challenges.

In an exclusive clip, they meet with orthopedic surgeon Dr. Dana Olszewski, who takes an in-depth look at their health. She focuses on the issues the couple is facing, such as weak wrists, crooked spines, balance issues, and ankle mobility.

Jokingly Jay quips, “When Dr. Olszewski examines our bodies, we realize we are not Superman and Superwoman!”

Tips to increase calcium for healthy bones

During the appointment, Dr. Dana Olszewski suggested Jay and Pamela add more calcium to their diet, as it will help strengthen their bones.

In a statement, Dr. Olszewski explained, “People with osteogenesis imperfecta are at higher risk for blood clots and problems with wound healing.”

She further warned that the most common cause of death in this disease is lung complications. “Scoliosis can limit lung capacity, leading to dangerous clots that can travel to the lungs and prove fatal,” she said.

Jay and Pamela battling brittle bone disease, staying active despite challenges.
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Why is it important to stay active?

“Moving your body is important,” Dr. Dana Olszewski warned Jay and Pamela. She explained that if they continue to limit their activities, it can become a vicious cycle. “When you move little or nothing at all, your body slowly starts to lose strength. Muscle weakness can lead to more pain.”

Jay and Pamela acknowledge the challenge of being active on a regular basis is not easy for them, but they don’t want to limit themselves completely.

“I’ve been dealing with chronic pain for a long time, which makes it hard for us to be physically active,” Jay says. “But the doctor said something important: ‘If you don’t use your abilities, you will lose them.’ And we don’t want that to happen.”

‘Jay & Pamela’ premieres Tuesday, March 4 at 10 p.m. ET on TLC.

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