‘NCIS’ Shocker: Brian Dietzen Says Palmer Is Fighting for Happiness with His New Love!

Brian Dietzen as Dr. Jimmy Palmer in NCIS, looking hopeful as he embraces new love.

‘NCIS’ Season 22: Victoria Palmer Joins the Case—Big Twist!

Victoria Palmer is All Grown Up and Getting in on the Action

Do you remember when Victoria Palmer was born on NCIS? Time flies! Now, in Season 22, she’s coming to the team with a case of her own.

On the March 3 episode of the CBS drama, Elle Graper returns for the second time as Dr. Jimmy Palmer’s (Brian Dietzen) daughter. But this time, she leads the team straight to a mysterious case.

How ​​Did Victoria Lead the NCIS Team to a Shocking Case?

In the episode “Close to Home,” Victoria texts Torres (Wilmer Valderrama) when she finds a large sum of money near the Navy library. The NCIS team then dives deeper into the mystery money.

Brian Dietzen Reveals Romance, Undercover Mission and More

Brian Dietzen shared exclusive details about this exciting episode. He hints at Palmer’s growing relationship with new girlfriend Wendy (Erinn Hayes) and an undercover mission. Will this change Jimmy and Victoria’s father-daughter relationship?

Brian Dietzen Opens Up About Jimmy Palmer and His Daughter Victoria’s Deep Bond

Victoria, Jimmy’s Whole World and His Greatest Strength

In NCIS, we often hear Jimmy Palmer talk about his daughter Victoria. After Breanna’s death, Victoria is his closest and only family. Jimmy loves her more than anything in the world, and her happiness is the most important thing to him. There is depth, emotional strength, and unbreakable love in this relationship, which fans are always excited to see.

Victoria’s Amazing Journey

Brian Dietzen revealed that he first met Elle Graper about three-four years ago while shooting for the episode “The Helpers.“. This was the first episode he co-wrote with Scott Williams. Casting the right character during COVID was challenging, but finding Elle was nothing less than a blessing for them. She impressed everyone on set with her amazing acting and deep understanding, which made it clear that she had to be brought back in the future.

Childhood to adolescence: A beautiful transformation

Victoria is now in her early teens, and the writers of NCIS have shown this transformation in a very real and emotionally strong way. Dietzen liked that the story was not just tied to the stereotype of “disappointed father and rebellious daughter.”. Instead, it focused on their deep, genuine, and loving relationship.

This relationship beautifully depicts struggle, love, understanding, and the strength of family. Every father and daughter can relate to this bond, making it a very special and heartwarming aspect of NCIS.

'NCIS' Shocker: Brian Dietzen Says Palmer Is Fighting for Happiness with His New Love!

How ​​did Jimmy’s heart flutter when Victoria chose Torres?

When Victoria needed help, she turned to Torres instead of her father, Jimmy Palmer. Any father would be hurt by this, but Jimmy looks at it with pride and trust. He believes he has given Victoria the confidence and security to trust any family member freely—and “Uncle Nick” is always there for her, selflessly. This connection shows that Victoria is now growing up and making smart decisions.

NCIS: Not just a team, but a true family!

Brian Dietzen says that’s the most beautiful thing about NCIS—it’s not just a team, but a family with a deep and strong bond. “If this show feels like a family, it’s because it truly is a family, full of love, support, and trust!” This depth, emotional connection, and family atmosphere are what connect it to the hearts of the fans, making this show special for everyone.

Jimmy and Knight breakup: Why was Victoria upset?

When Jimmy and Jess Knight broke up, it wasn’t just their relationship that was affected—Victoria’s was deeply involved as well. Knight was not only Jimmy’s partner but also a guide, mentor, and strong role model for Victoria. Despite the breakup, Victoria and Knight continue to have a special bond, showing that feelings don’t fade easily.

Does Jimmy still have a place in his heart for Jess?

Brian Dietzen believes that the last words Jimmy and Jess said in their relationship were “I love you.” While they don’t say that love is gone, it’s probably still there somewhere. Jimmy is understanding and knows that Knight is the perfect person for his daughter. Even though they’re no longer together, he still wants Jess to be an important part of his and Victoria’s lives, because some relationships are more than love.

Jimmy’s Undercover Mission: Out of the Comfort Zone

This episode introduces a new side of Jimmy Palmer—he goes undercover! As a medical examiner, Jimmy is usually confined to crime scenes and autopsies, but this time, he has to go among shaky suspects to find the truth. This challenge not only takes him out of his familiar world but also forces him to rise to the level of seasoned agents like Torres, McGee, and Jess. This new avatar is not only exciting but also gives Jimmy more depth to the character.

Team Support and Jimmy’s New Learnings

Although this experience is new and challenging for Jimmy, his biggest strength is his team. As he steps into this role for the first time, his entire team is supporting him behind the scenes. Despite being a part of NCIS for more than two decades, Jimmy still faces new challenges, and that’s what makes this character so interesting. This mission proves that Jimmy can prove himself not just in the lab but in the field as well.

New Possibilities in Jimmy’s Life: Wendy Arrives

This episode also introduces Jimmy’s new potential girlfriend, Wendy. This relationship is an interesting one as it’s brewing in the middle of the case, complicating the situation even more. Wendy is played by Erinn Hayes, a wonderful actress. I’ve known Erin since college—we worked together on the Greek tragedy Antigone. She has great comic timing and is a solid dramatic actress. Her coming into the role brings a new light not only to the show but to Jimmy as well.

Jimmy’s Attempt to Give Love Another Chance

We’ve already seen that Jimmy hasn’t had a smooth ride at love—first his wife died, then his relationship with Jess didn’t work out. But despite that, he wants to give himself a chance at being happy. Jimmy is still a man who believes in love and relationships and that things can get better with Wendy. Yes, being in the middle of the case makes it more complicated, but that’s the beauty of Jimmy—he continues to look for happiness in his life, no matter how difficult things get. Will Wendy be able to bring lasting happiness to Jimmy’s life? That will be interesting to watch.

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