Sharanya Iyer Spends Rs 20 lakh on Travel 2024: Shocking Reveal Sparks Internet Reactions!

Sharanya Iyer reveals spending Rs 20 lakh on travel in 2024, sparking reactions online.

“Travel influencer Sharanya Iyer recently revealed that she will spend Rs 50 lakh in 2024, with most of the expenses being on her travels. Sharanya also revealed that she travelled to various beautiful destinations across the world, making her experiences and memories even more special. The internet received mixed reactions from people about her spending.”

Sharanya Iyer, a travel influencer, recently went viral over her 2024 expenses. She shared a video on Instagram in which she revealed that she spent a total of Rs 50 lakh last year. Most of these expenses were spent on travel, and Sharanya explained in detail how she spent this money on travel.

Sharanya revealed that she spent around Rs 5 lakh on flights in 2024. She spent Rs 3 lakh on a trip to Greenland, Rs 2.5 lakh on three trips to Iceland, Rs 1 lakh on Thailand and Laos, Rs 1.5 lakh on a trip to Madeira, and Rs 8 lakh on a trip with her family to South Africa. Apart from this, she spent around Rs 60,000 on her European summer trip.

Sharanya also revealed that during this trip, she won Rs 40,000 at the casino, which reduced her total travel cost to some extent. In addition, she spent Rs 22 lakh on buying her new car and Rs 5 lakh on medical expenses, which were not covered by insurance.

Sharanya clarified in her caption that these expenses do not include “spending on food and drink, daily expenses, and material goods.” She wrote, “I was a big saver before and spent less on the ‘big’ things. But that changed in 2024 with the help and support of my family and friends. It was a big step for me, and it gave me a lot of happiness and security in a difficult year. Will do this even more in 2025!”

This video of Sharanya and her expenses is getting mixed reactions on the internet. Many people are shocked by her expenses, while some people are finding it inspiring.

This reel has become extremely popular online. Many people are surprised by Sharanya Iyer’s travel expenses, but at the same time are also supporting her hopes of more trips in 2025. Many Instagram users praised Sharanya and felt inspired by seeing her travel. Some were curious to know how Sharanya spent so much in the first place.

Some followers even said that initially they thought Sharanya’s trip was sponsored. But Sharanya clarified that she bears most of her travel expenses herself. She also shared with her followers that her main aim is to invest in her soul through travel experiences so that she can find more happiness and contentment.

Reactions from people on Instagram were also like this:

“Seeing your journey inspired me to invest in my soul too.”

“Sharanya, your vision is amazing. It’s very inspiring.”

“My middle class mind is shocked by this, but I also understand how this is possible.”

“You must have had amazing experiences to share.”

“Some people might be shocked to see this reel, as spending so much on travel seems impossible for them.”

“Amazing reel; it shows that travel expenses are not just a number; it is an experience.”

“Money spent on travel should never be considered an ‘expense’; it is a part of life.”

“Your journey is so amazing! We also want to know how you earn so much.”

“Your reel shows that it is possible to manage travel expenses in a proper way.”

“You did great! There is a lot to learn from your travels.”

Sharanya’s reel is not just about her travel expenses, but it shows how travel experiences can change the way we think about self-development and happiness.

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